Monday, June 6, 2011

Twitter and my pretend friends

~ Is having a blogspot like having and AOL email address? ~

Twitter is a thing.

I was going to say an unbelievably wonderful thing, then I edited to a wonderful thing. Then I decided I actually couldn't name anything it does for me. The people that I know in real life that I follow don't actually tweet all that much.

So why do I read twitter?

It is kind of the Pandora of celebrity gossip. When I pick up a People or US Weekly, it's all about the "hot" stars. Celebrities who are famous for being famous going on vacation and being photographed with out make up.
But on Twitter? I get to listen in a little to the celebrities that I actually care about, that inspire me. I have discovered at least two incredibly inspiring blogs, learned of countless underfunded amazing projects, and got to hipster it up to the tune of "oh yeah, I heard about that 3 weeks ago, cause I follow them on twitter," more times than is actually appropriate for a non-hipster. I have learned of several comedians, books and musical projects that would have otherwise never reached my face holes. For a consumer of art, it's kinda the holy land.

There might be a downside.

Sometimes, in my most delusional moments, I forget that I'm not actual real friends with these people.

Case in point; Wil Wheaton.

First let me just say, if you are scrolling to the comments section to tell me how he ruined Star Trek TNG, stop, take a breath, and go rant to your TNG message board buddies, cause this is neither the time nor the place. One because that's an opinion, not a fact, and my opinion is that he was awesome, and two because he was my second celebrity crush, and my first not centered on a New Kid (Donnie, duh) so no matter how calm, rational, and reasonable your argument may be, when it comes to Wil, I'm an anti-Vulcan, I will hear no logic.

But here's the thing, I feel like present day Wil and I could actually hang out. I follow his twitter and read his blog, and not only is he an eloquent writer but he is also gut bustingly funny, humble, and insightful all at the same time. Which should make me hate him with jealousy, but he makes awesome Simpsons references from the good years.

I know, basing your admiration of someone on their Simpsons quoting seems a little, well, stalker-geeky.

But I was thinking about something an old teacher told me once about the Gifted Program. (Go ahead, humblebrag me). I can't remember the exact words, but it boiled down to it not being a place where a bunch of smart people could get together and do big smart things like read Ayn Rand and debate the merits of string theory, but somewhere that a bunch of kids could gather with other kids that would get their jokes.

The people I like best get my jokes, and I get theirs. That has always been my litmus for connection.

So I guess Twitter is the place where I can eaves drop on a bunch of people I admire, and figure out if I get their jokes.

And that is something.

P.S. I love my husband more than Wil Wheaton, just in case you thought this was going somewhere creepy with binoculars.